Veteran Memorial at the Galena Cemetery
We invite you to join us in remembering our Veterans who have proudly served our country both in our community, and all over the country.
Veteran Memorial at the Galena Cemetery
Specialist Spencer J. Wilder, Jr.
United States Army
Vietnam Conflict - Germany
Private First Class Alfred Grooms
United States Army
World War II - African Theatre
Yeomanette 3rd Class
Emma (Darlington) Masten
United States Navy - World War I
Lieutenant Price Roe Stradley
United States Army
World War II - Pacific Theatre
Aerographer's Mate 3rd Class
William "Bill" Blake
United States Navy - Kennedy Assassination
Corpsman Harry J. Pisapia
United States Navy
Cuban Missile Crisis
Sergeant Jeffrey D. Dwyer
United States Army
Operation Desert Storm
Private William Ross
United States Army
World War I
Private First Class Harvey Hurtt Camp
United States Army
World War II - Germany
Sergeant John C. Bramble
United States Army
Vietnam War
Staff Sergeant H. Richard Hanifee
United States Army
Vietnam War
Lance Corporal Michael Boyd
United States Marines
Vietnam War
Staff Sergeant Arthur B. Dill
United States Army
World War II - Pacific Theatre
Corporal Charles Jackson
United States Army
Korean Conflict
Private First Class William "Bill" Briscoe
United States Army
World War II - European Theatre
Specialist John T. Newnam
United States Army
World War II
Major Andrew McCauley, Sr.
United States Air Force
World War II, Korea & Vietnam
Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class
Joseph Connelly
United States Navy - Vietnam War
Staff Sergeant Lewin F. Steel
United States Marine Corps
World War II
Corporal Brandon M. Craig
United States Army
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Private First Class Eugene Nolan Haley
United States Army
Korean Conflict
Corporal John Duhamell, Sr.
United States Army
World War II - Pacific Theatre
Sergeant Jarrett B. Thompson
United States Army
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Private Bryan Nicholas Spry
United States Army
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Ship Fitter 2nd Class James E. Woodall
United States Navy
World War II - Pacific Theatre
Harry Pomrenke
United States Navy
World War II
Staff Sergeant Samuel F. Sessa
United States Air Force
Korean Conflict
Private First Class Robert J. Davis, Jr.
United States Army
Vietnam War
Remembrance of All Veterans
Remembrance of All Veterans
Private James E. Caldwell
United States Army
World War I